Sunday, October 24, 2010

MB - Senior Shoot

     The call went out that I was looking for a Senior to shoot and THIS young lady answered the call within minutes.  Kai put it out there on Twitter and by the time she got back downstairs to let me know that she had MB had already e-mailed me and asked me how she could help.
     She was game for trying anything and as we walked through the streets she and I were thinking the same thing when it came to the juxtaposition of doors, windows, ivy climbing on walls, the old and the new.  Some people work hard at getting "the look".... she just looked.   We laughed our way through the streets dodged cars and mumbled pleasantries to people who wanted to know why we were standing in the middle of the street at 9AM and all the awkwardness that my children swore would be there was mysteriously absent.
     MB thanks for answering the call and for being there. Way to "Bring It!"... you light up the camera and if you were not sure before if you could dabble in modeling...look at these pictures and be Sure! Your song choice for your slideshow is just perfect!

... to see more of MB's session Click Here!

to see more of MB's session Click Here!

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