Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Harvest Fest 2009

So the candy is gone and the sugar-rush is over (or almost), but the fact remains that the kids had an absolute ball at the "Fort" this weekend..

The little ones really came out with all of their adorable costumes and paraded around, played games, ate, participated in a soul train line, ate some more.. then (at the end..) how strategic.. they collected their goodie bag of candy and left.. to get that sugar rush in the car.. no joke!

The older teens are just about at the age where a costume is either here nor there but some made the effort and they too had a great time with a few games and (you will see) a Jello-with-whip-cream-eating contest. They ate as well and also received a bag of candy.

I don't know about the other parents there but it was really a joy to watch the little one's faces when the dancing started. Many looked confused when Mrs. H. lined them up in two lines they looked around for instructions on this "soul train" line game? The music started and Mrs. H. had to go down and almost hand carry them through the line. We all knew that they would get the hang of it eventually, so we waited! Then, something very special happened.... one little girl, all the while waiting her turn, paused and then burst out in a dance that caught everyone watching by surprise.. it was so hard to keep the camera focused for the tears of laughter coming out of my eyes.. Parents started chanting her name and quickly the others knew just what to do in this line... they followed suit and came down the line with their very own expressions of dance!!

And yes.. the slideshow is ready!!

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