Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's about THE LOVE!

I never heard the news, but when I saw her for the first time after her abundant love started growing inside of her I refused to acknowledge it until I was sure.. I kept a straight face and laughed and talked as though her abundant love was not staring me in the face...literally...
"Alex and I want you to do our shoot.... let's set a date... right now....."
and later
"we will do another shoot when..."
and then
"we'll come back when....."
meanwhile..... I was still at the abundant love part... (smile)

I understand why you two came to me but as I shouted over and over during the shoot, THIS shoot was really all about the love.......
THE LOVE that you two have for each other is so very easy to see.. it's in your smile, your wiggled nose when he talks to you, it's in the silly stories you tell about the other, it's about how you lean on him even when the camera was on the floor, the jesters, the uncomplicated notion of it all ...... and last but not least...... it is in those eyes...

Isn't new life all about THE LOVE!... yeap.....

1 comment:

MDPhotography said...

Nice Slide show/great music