Friday, August 22, 2008

Family Reunion - Moore/Kent

I don't agree to do Family Reunions often.. it's hard to venture amongst a union of people whom have known each other for... well... forever, and blend in as though you are a distant cousin with a camera..
I'm so happy that I agreed. This family was so friendly and proved my theory wrong.. From the moment I got there they clapped and shouted exuberant hello's with big smiles and welcomed me as though I was that distant cousin. Little did they know I was about to ask them all to walk a mile to the lake to take their family picture (smile).. I heard no one complain... they just took the hike, to the lake..

To the family.. thank you so much for allowing me to come and document just this day that brought you together in D.C. from all over the country.. may you always be close and blessed!

Click here for the slideshow

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