As wedding season gets ready to start for me I am reminded of a lot of things. The past couple of weeks have been very trying yet remarkable at the same time for me. I, like most women, always try to hold it all down within the confines of my imagination and the complexity of my very thoughts. We all do.. women that is, try to hold it all together for our families, friends, children, husbands... loved ones. We plan, cook balanced meals, clean the house, run errands, drive the kids around and around the beltway trying to make sure they are where they need to be at any given time. We hold conversations as necessary with teachers, principals, coaches, other kids parents. We try so hard to stay connected with our moms, dads, brothers, sisters, friends so that they know they are in our thoughts always. We, girlfriends/sister friends try our best to be there to support each other in our endeavors as we know how hard it is to have an endeavor. To support it for another friend tells them that we are proud of what they have done or what they are trying to do because we know how hard it is to fit anything extra for ourselves in there. We work to support our families so that they can have the best opportunities that we can afford, hoping that it is enough.. doing our level best to raise thoughtful, considerate, spiritual, level-headed, functional members of society. Home, School, relationships, grades, teachers, sports and healthy friendships are always thoughts that we contemplate daily. God, Church, spiritually, ideals, morals, values and service to others means so much to all of us, ask anyone... but often remains the most complicated... individually!
I'm not here to preach to anyone.. God knows he is still working on me but one thing is for sure and I know without reservation or hesitation... the greatest of all of these things is LOVE!....for without it there is really nothing. We all need it, seek it, desire it, depend on it. Personally, it's like breathing. It brings me joy and has the capacity to make me sad. One thing I do know ladies... when you find it and it is yours, hold on to it like it is your breath and don't let go. Love Deeply.. like the ocean breeze that finds it's way to you.. caressing your mind, body and soul.. breath it in, hold it there and only exhale to take it all in again and again for when it is right (and we all know when it's right) it will be there for you, sustain you, hold you, keep you and love you back no matter what! Happy Wednesday to all my sister friends who encourage me on a continuous basis as only sister friends can.
To my current and future Brides... that which I know, I can see, and I will capture it through my lens for you and bring it right back to last you a lifetime.. Thank you for trusting me!
To the Love of my life... I know you, see you, belong with you... and best of all... Love you Deeply!