Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sonoma- just a few more

As I promised.. Here are a few more from our weekend trip to Sonoma and Napa Valley California with our friends William and Phyl. Did I mention that it poured buckets of rain for the entire weekend.. we didn't care because that's what umbrellas are for.. right?

So we spent the weekend taking pictures of each other. We both have multiple kids and are never in front of the camera anymore, especially as a couple.. it was so much fun trying to create for ourselves what we create for others all the time. I left my big camera at home because I knew I would turn the trip into one big photo shoot. I was trying to relax. As it turned out, I grabbed Williams camera more times than necessary just because I saw something beautiful..

I love that Tuscan style!! and Italy too..

I have no idea why but windows and doors make me happy too. I'm sure it means something..

One more of Phyl and William..

So put Napa Valley on your list of things to do... it really was a lot of fun.. not to mention the wine!!!! (smile)

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